Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Today Mostly young militry person also wept remembering martyrs ..... Interview with a militry person ?

Today the entire country is crying on the martyrdom of Shaheed young men, where the country was crying too but now the sky wept over the hearts of our young Srhd be taken to protect the country's entry into India through the border terror Gus Patiye There have been carrying out terrorist incident, a soldier was my point when he told the Wakia hear him stood my hair on the body, when we limit the pay of soldiers patrolling said they do not know if we lived in the patrolling I am not the back, as if we survived the day we delivered a new Bgwan, patrolling along the border levy imposed Huey showed infiltration of a terrorist attack impediment theft, showed a young Pakistani firing in solitude Pake no impediment, the military said Kashmir's atmosphere is so bad to not know what is hidden in the house, the house in which the Miletryn Miletrin between the firing of the market went and hid themselves in the middle of the public, we have orders of the young men you Huey public can show not firing on warm place, and these terrorists are hiding and we went between them, put your hand in hand to young people watch Tmasa Hmpe of these terrorist attacks, taking advantage of the crowd and kill the young men taking advantage of the crowd's Escape |
Manish Shukla

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