Sunday, September 11, 2016

There is a provision for children in between 6 to 14 year for free education (under RTE act)

The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002, the Constitution of India in the embedded Article 21-A, in such manner, as determined by state law, the fundamental rights as all children in the age group of six to fourteen years free and provides for compulsory education. Free and Compulsory Child Education (RTE) Act, 2009, children's rights, Article 21 of the consequential legislation represents, means that formal school, certain essential norms and standards is satisfactory uniform quality and each child has the right to full-time initial education.

Akgrib India literacy rate of 66 percentile, as reported in 2007, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and granted by the United Nations Development Program Report, in 2009, including 149 in the world ranking, literacy, location.
In fact, education was a constitutional right has the status of a fundamental right in the beginning. Right to education is developed as such: at the beginning of the Constitution of India, the right to education under Article 41 of the Directive Principles of State Policy under the assurance of free and compulsory education was recognized State Article 45 of the Directive, which thus runs within a period of ten years of this Constitution shall be free and compulsory education for all children until they start to complete the age of fourteen. "in addition, article 46 deals with education to schedule castes, schedule tribes and other weaker sections of society. the fact is that the right to education as well as in article 3 of the Constitution dealt with under part IV explains how important it has been considered by the makers of the Constitution . 29 articles and article 30 agreements with the right education and now, we have article 21A, which in itself creates a Mjbut, and a reassurance in itself now,

In 2002, the Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, the Right to Education as a fundamental right through being recognized. Article 21A therefore be inserted which stated which state in this manner, by law, six to fourteen years of age all children to free and compulsory education would provide. Article 21A, to bring and, later, the right to education Act, RTE Act, a rough draft bill was proposed in 2005 to 1 April 2010 the right of children to Free and compulsory education Act, popularly known as the education Act
RTE Act 4 August 2009. India's Parliament on 2 July 2009 and the Cabinet Office 20 July 2009 after approval by the Council was passed. The bill was approved by President Pratibha Patil, in the Official Gazette of the Free and Compulsory Education Act, the Children's Rights notified as 3 September 2009.. On April 1, 2010, of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir, has been implemented in the entire state,
RTE Act and Article 21-A
April 1, 2010 came into force on. In the title of the RTE Act '' free and compulsory 'words have in common. 'Free education', which implies that a child by his parents at the school have been filed, but a child who is not properly supported by the government, fees or charges or expenses of any kind of early education and prevented him from continuing to completion will not be liable to pay. 'Compulsory education' appropriate government and local authorities, all children of the 6-14 age group, attendance and completion of primary education provision and the obligation to ensure that holds. India is pushing for rights-based framework in accordance with the provisions of the RTE Act, as enshrined in Article 21-A of the fundamental right of the child to implement legally binding on the Central and State Governments maintains.
Implements the provisions of the RTE Act 
  • In a neighborhood school till completion of elementary education free and compulsory education for children rights.
  • It makes clear that 'compulsory education' refers to every child in the age group of six to fourteen free and compulsory elementary education admission, attendance and completion of elementary education from the obligation of government is to ensure the fair. "Free" means that no child that prevented completion of elementary education and continue to pay fees or charges or expenses will not be liable.
  • The non-admission of the child provides for the appropriate age to enter orbit.
  • This free and compulsory education to provide appropriate Skaron, duties and obligations of the local authority and parents and between the financial and other responsibilities of the central and state governments is specified.
  • This, along with others, the student-teacher ratio (PTR), building and infrastructure, working day of school, the teacher's norms and standards relating to working hours determines.
  • The average state or district or block, rather than only to be laid for each school student and teacher ratio specified by ensuring that provision for the deployment of teachers, the teachers in the deployment of such an urban-rural balance Ensures. This ten year census, local authorities, the election to the State Assembly and Parliament and excluding disaster relief deployment of teachers for non-educational work is also prohibited.
  • It makes provision for the appointment of suitably trained teachers and educational qualifications of the teacher is required ie.
  • (A) corporal punishment and mental harassment; (B) the monitoring procedures for the entry of children; (C) fee per person; (D) private tuition by teachers and (e.) To run schools without accreditation is prohibited.
  • This is consistent with the values ​​enshrined in the Constitution makes provision for the development of the curriculum and the overall development of the child, the child's knowledge, potential and talent nurturing and child centered and child-friendly system through the knowledge system of the child fear, injury and will ensure worry-free.

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