Monday, September 19, 2016

India is a nuclear country, the country seems to be suspicious, Q Pakistan is helpless in front of the Prime Minister of India .......

Uri soul stirring at that event, in which 17 soldiers laid down their lives for our country, Pakistan's Atnkiyon terrorist attacks in India have Gus killed several soldiers, the Indian Prime Minister should be ashamed of the terror attack on the which is added in India that the nuclear countries, the Prime ministers of Pakistan and so helpless that the Q, why is the Pakistani-day attacks are becoming not know Q is silent Prime Minister of India, Essay shame on the Prime Minister to India today is facing growing, young and citizens of the country is ours These terrorists easily kill big game played by the terror they go back to their homeland, the young man guarding the India terror Gus hit in India, and the leader of our country has become quiet by giving a condolence message to the soldiers killed Huey, went and asked the family of those killed are young men in red in hand Huey sacrificed in the name of protecting the country become the country's shame should be the country's prime minister, Prime Minister Pura country asks you a question, the Prime Minister a question of how you will respond to the terror attack to Pakistan, India, Pakistan, the country is leaning Q, Huey militants in Uri Jaish attack - Muhammad claimed responsibility for the attack, will be silent .......
how long Prime Minister of India, when India will respond Muhtod militants ...... manish kumar

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